Politically Correct

When I see colleges in the news these days, it seems that they are usually in the news for protests. Some controversial speaker is scheduled to speak at campus, and students come out and protest the appearance away. Usually the speaker in these stories is someone who is considered a conservative. Their views are labeled bigoted or close-minded. Meanwhile, the protesters are considered enlightened.

At the end of the day, that’s not a good thing. As the saying goes, when everyone thinks alike, no one thinks at all.

Within this culture, Christian views are also going to be labeled politically incorrect. That is no surprise. Jesus was politically incorrect in his time. The Old Testament prophets were politically incorrect. The New Testament apostles were politically incorrect.

If a Christian professes faith in what the Bible says, they will be mocked for being stupid. If a Christian labels things the Bible labels as sin, they will be called judgmental.

How does one handle that? First, it probably helps to keep up the Bible and apologetics study to reinforce our knowledge of what is going to be attacked. Second, be able to give a defense of those things with respect and love. Remember, God’s word does not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). Got is the one who operates through His word, not us. We just have to deliver it in a gentle manner. It may not always be received in a gentle manner, but we can’t do anything about that.


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