Valentine’s Day Dilemma

Q: I don’t want to spend another Valentine’s Day sitting at home. I’m thinking about asking a girl out, but I’m afraid it might ruin our friendship. How should I go about it?

Steven: Everyone gets lonely, but don’t let Valentine’s Day put too much pressure on you. Ask someone out for the right reasons: because you think they might make a God-pleasing partner and you are interested in getting to know them better. First, pray about it. Next, don’t make a big deal of it…for yourself or them. Asking someone out can be stressful. Getting asked out can also be stressful if that person is not interested. Make it easy for them. Something like, “If you have time, would you like to grab a cup of coffee tomorrow afternoon?” That gives them an out…or, if they have too much going on, a chance to reschedule. If they say, yes, great. If they say no, also great. Take it with a smile, wish them the best and know God has better plans for you. Don’t get down in the dumps or be moody around them in the future. You gave it a shot and now you know. For more in-depth dating tips, read Lesson 15 of God Is Your Roommate.

He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; He who keeps understanding will find good. ~ Proverbs 19:8 (NKJV)

Steven Reder

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