I am Lonely

Q: How does a lonely person get out there and make friends?

Steven: Feelings of loneliness are common among college students, adults, kids…pretty much everyone. A first step in dealing with an issue like loneliness is seeing what God says about the matter in the Bible. Often times, He gives the answer to such problems there. A cursory search on Bible verses concerning loneliness yields many results. Study them when you get a chance. For now, let’s look at Psalm 25:16 and Matthew 28:20. The first verse is a lonely person turning to God in prayer. Hence, prayer is always a good first step. The second verse shows that God is always with us no matter how lonely we feel. Concentrating on God’s truth often helps us stop rehearsing our angst and letting our feelings trump God’s promises. The next step is working for one’s daily bread. What options do you have to get out there and meet people? What clubs are on campus that you may be interested in? Student associations? Social groups? Christian ministries? Next, consider Proverbs 18:24 (a man who has friends must himself be friendly). Pray for God to bless your efforts. Then get out there and see how it goes. Finally, know that even if it goes awkwardly, or flat out bad, for a season, God still works all things out for your good (Romans 8:28). Also, if you feel like you need to talk to someone about our loneliness, consult your pastor.

A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. ~ Proverbs 18:24 (NKJV)


Steven Reder

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1 Comment

  • Steven Reder
    January 10, 2017 at 8:03 pm

    I joined a number of student’s associations and even chaired one. That really helped me make a number of good friends. I liked participating in activities but I don’t quite enjoy going to one that I hardly know anybody. Sometimes, I just have to make myself do it to get out there. So far, I have been blessed to always have someone reached out to me to break the ice to the party.

    Chairing a club was great. I get to practice leadership skill and organize social events to bring people together. I had fun and felt really fulfilled doing that. At the events I organize, I feel most comfortable reaching out to new members. To help them get connected with friends. Something I encourage my core team and members to do. Make new students and members feel welcome. After all, we were once a freshman.

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